Reset Computer Account Password
When a computer is generating group policy errors sometimes it is a result of an expired machine account password. This can be resolved by running the command below from an elevated PowerShell command prompt:
netdom resetpwd /server:<active directory server> /userd:<domain\username> /passwordd:***********
Where <active directory server> is the name of the closest Active Directory server.
Domain\username is the name of the domain (Contoso) along with your username.
For example: netdom resetpwd /server:DD /userd:Contoso\Administrator /passwordd:********
An admin can run these commands provided they have the required permissions to update the
object in active directory. After running these commands run a gpupdate /force to ensure the user and computer policies update successfully.
How to reset a machine account password:
Logon to the server with group policy errors with an account that has local administrator access.
Open an elevated PowerShell command prompt (right click > runas administrator)
Type the netdom resetpwd command with the correct domain controller and with credentials that have access to update the machine account password in Active Directory
For example: netdom resetpwd /server:DD /userd:Contoso\Administrator /passwordd:*********
Type gpupdate /force
Verify the computer and user policies update successfully.